exclusive sneak peek of the album
We’re almost there! Our new album is so close to being finished, and we’re beyond excited to share it with you. God has been faithful in this journey, and now we’re inviting you to join us in bringing it to completion. With $15,000 needed to wrap up this project by the end of the week, your support can make all the difference. Together, we can share the Gospel, worship, and His Presence with the world.
We’re so close to finishing our new album, and we can’t wait to share it with you. God has been so faithful in bringing us this far, and now we have an incredible opportunity for you to be part of this journey. We need $15,000 to bring this project to completion by the end of this week, and every gift—big or small—makes a difference.
Check out the exclusive sneak peek of the album and video above, and you’ll see the passion and purpose behind this project. Together, we can take the Gospel, worship, and His Presence to the world.
Thank you for being such an important part of this vision. Your support means the world to us!
With love and gratitude,
Chris & Danielle
God’s New Leaders. Rebuilding Cities. Presence People
I believe I’ve known who the upcoming POTUS would be since January of 2024 when I had a series of almost identical dreams within a short period of time while fasting in the beginning of the year.
I believe I’ve known who the upcoming POTUS would be since January of 2024 when I had a series of almost identical dreams within a short period of time while fasting in the beginning of the year.
The point of this word however, has very little to do with WHO will be President of the United States in the next 4 years and more about what God plans to do during the tenure of said President. I will not share who the President was in my dreams because what’s more important is the plans of the Lord for the upcoming season.
It is not so much about a particular individual being president so much that it is about what God has chosen to do in His Kingdom agenda while this person is POTUS.
Like Isaiah said in Isaiah 6:1, “In the year King Uzziah died, I saw the Lord high and lifted up and the train of His robe filled the temple”
As the prophecy from Isaiah unfolds, the designation of who is king is merely a footnote, a reference point to the greater plans of the King of Kings, which is for His glory to flood the whole earth!
This is partly why I believe the Lord showed me who the POTUS would be. It was as if the Lord was showing me that during His tenure, during this period of time, THIS will take place.
One more note before I give the word. My history with the Lord in this is important to some degree.
As I saw in a dream in 2016, BEFORE Trump was elected President; I saw outdoor revival happening. I saw many iterations of revival. This dream concluded with a large outdoor gathering under a New Orleans oak tree with outdoor public baptisms. Since that time and during the first tenure of Trumps presidency we have seen all of this happen firsthand and you can too in past videos I’ve posted.
Many of these fulfillments took place in the next few years through The Sound San Francisco, Bourbon Street revival, West Virginia / Appalachian outdoor high school revivals, and even nationwide open air worship gatherings etc.
(albeit some of these movements had a bit of the leaven of Herod in it, nevertheless I rejoice. Like Paul said, “whether from pure or impure motive, the Gospel is preached!”)
I saw firsthand the fulfillment of that dream in 2016. It’s with this in mind why I have even more faith to believe this prophetic word that is now coming upon us.
At the beginning of 2024 I had a series of 3 similar, almost identical dreams over the course of a week.
In these prophetic dreams I was at my home in my backyard when Air Force One landed in my backyard. I climbed aboard and we almost impossibly lifted off with no run-way, and flew to some of the largest (and hardest/darkest) cities in America; most of whom were known as liberal cities with demonic strongholds.
We would land in the most unconventional and wild ways that defied the laws of natural physics. Yet we would land right in the middle of those cities and the building of an altar would begin. There were cities like NYC, SF, LA, Seattle, Chicago and more.
This dream repeated in succeeding nights in like manner multiple times. Same details, new cities. I remember the feeling looking at the President while flying and them looking back as if to say “Yea, we are really doing this. Who can stop us?”
For those who know me, they know I am incredibly averse to politics. It’s not something I think about often, or engage with heavily.
While I do believe you can engage in politics without having a political spirit, or the leaven of Herod as Jesus called it; I think it is a amazing how just a little politics (and religion) can ruin the whole part.
Jesus said to guard against it. As Americans, I believe we must do this while adhering to our civic duty to vote.
The next 4-6 years and beyond we will begin to see these things unfold.
God is giving great authority to those who have faithfully cultivated their “back- yards” in the land and with the people God gave them.
Many of been hidden and have even felt “dead” in regard to the dreams and promises of God. In a moment of time God will swoop them up with massive authority and resources the likes of which they’ve never know.
In the garden God gave Adam worldwide prophetic promises (subdue the earth), but then told him to cultivate the garden, his “backyard” essentially.
God is taking hidden David’s who have faithfully stewarded the work God gave them to cultivate “in their own backyards”, on the back of hillsides unseen shepherding sheep and by His sovereign hand He will begin launching them with great influence and authority to key churches, places and cities for the purpose of revival and awakening. To establish His Presence, build altars and bring God’s resting place to hard, dark and even ubiquitously “liberal” places.
The President represents high authority, not controlled or swayed by the opinions of men. Having ultimate authority. God was saying, “I can do whatever I choose to do and with whomever I choose to do it with.”
Be prepared for God to use unqualified, rough around the edges, ragamuffin, unreligious, offensive and perhaps even those who the church has condemned and disqualified. They may offend our religious sensibilities but they will be ANOINTED by the most High and sent out like fiery arrows from the bow of the Lord to hit their target.
In this coming season it will be the job of the church, as well as true mothers and fathers to identify these leaders and to affirm them. We will know them by the Spirit, not the flesh. In fact, they will OFFEND us easily if we don’t have the eyes of the Spirit.
They will offend our religion and tradition but we will not be able to deny the favor, anointing, and grace upon them.
In the church, “Saul” leadership will be replaced; oftentimes swiftly and with tragedy. Saul’s who haven’t identified successors and empowered them, but have instead grown jealous and thrown spears will have their kingdoms ripped from their hands.
The Reformers are coming. New and fresh leadership will come to the church as reformers; they will come to dead ministries bringing fresh oil to old dry wine-skins; think legacy churches and ministries.
And even other new movements will be birthed “outside the camp”, even in barns, like the Lord Jesus. Sometimes Gods greatest movements don’t start in the church but outside of it. There is “no-room in the inn” for many busy Martha churches. The true fire will provoke the “Marthas” to return to their first love.
Saul’s leadership will be replaced.
Saul leadership is that which seeks to maintain its authority and influence by their own strength; they will be revealed and dealt with. It’s already begun. Everything that can be shaken is being shaken.
No matter who is president, we must remember that like the prophecy of Cyrus in Isaiah 45; it wasn’t the moral virtue of Cyrus that caused him to allow and provide resource for Israel to rebuild the temple, it was Gods supernatural power directing Cyrus.
Remember, “The king's heart is in the hand of the Lord, as the rivers of water: he turns it wherever he wills.” (Proverbs 21:1)
God can use anyone.
God stirred up Cyrus to rebuild the temple of Yahweh “even though He has not known me” said the Lord. (Isaiah 45)
We will see young Davids gaining company to minister in kings chambers. Like David’s introduction to royalty was his gig playing before the king to rid him of demonic oppression, many “David’s” will find themselves in the company of kings, leaders, and influential people. Their gift will make a way for something even greater, His Kingdom.
We are in an hour where David’s are being revealed. I am slowly making the transition to “father” the coming generation. If the leaders of today don’t identify and empower these young David’s they will not ultimately choose idleness; but like Saul they will persecute them.
“Saul has slain his thousands, David his tens of thousands”.
The coming men & women will do more accidentally than we’ve done on purpose. They are 11th hour workers. We will be tempted to be jealous. Refuse the bait! We must not reject them!
If we do not receive them as it were the Lord Himself, we will miss our visitation and worse, we will persecute the very thing God sent to deliver us.
Like the Pharisees who were the greatest and foremost intercessors for the coming of the Messiah, they also became the same ones to crucify the very One they prayed for. Because He came in a package and in a way that offended their religious pride. So too it will be for us today.
Jesus told his generation who rejected Him saying “You will not see me again until you say ‘blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord’”
In other words, until we can see the Lord in those He sends, we will not receive the fullness of His presence in our midst.
If leaders in the Body of Christ do not welcome these “Davids” as sent by God, their only other course of action will be to throw spears at them in jealousy.
These David’s will be fully obedient ones, no matter the cost to their personal dreams or desires.
These David’s will take cities. They will make desolate places alive again. They will go where the rest of the church is now leaving. Their first order of business will not be to establish programs but to establish a bulwark of prayer; they will not plant pretty church but will establish a Presence-centered people.
The Lord says
“They will rebuild the ancient ruins; they will restore the former devastations; they will renew the ruined cities, the devastations of many generations.
And they will be called the Lord’s PRIESTS; they will speak of you as ministers of our God;…”
Isaiah 61:4, 6
Under the next 4-6 years we will see the beginning of major liberal strongholds in cities become Eden’s, places where The Lord and His righteousness dwells.
He says
For the LORD will comfort Zion and will look with compassion on all her ruins; He will make her wilderness like Eden and her desert like the garden of the LORD. Joy and gladness will be found in her, thanksgiving and melodious song.
Isaiah 51:3
Zion is the proverbial location of worship, prayer and the resting place of Gods Presence. Zion will be established in the wildest cities in America. Even many college towns, which is already happening.
These cities that have felt almost impossible to win for Christ will become revival hubs. Through the rebuilding of God’s Presence there, we will discover the original intent of the Lord for themselves. The perversion of Gods righteous destinies over these cities will be untangled and set right. This is already beginning in this hour, as I write this.
Planting altars / resting places of His glorious Presence will be these leaders foundation; they will bloom into local churches and families whose foundation is built on His Presence before programs.
They will be an Acts 13, Antioch church who ministers to the Lord and then by the power of the Holy Spirit and with apostolic grace sends out others to plow and plant!
People don’t make counterfeit pennies, they make fake $100’s. The enemy only contests places that have value. If we see the enemy and his agenda being built in cities and places, we must pray for laborers to be sent to these places to make a resting place for the Lord and build the family of God there.
Where Yahweh is not worshiped, something or someone else will be! We were made to worship and establish God’s Presence in the earth. Every time the Lord would deliver the Israelites out of slavery the very first command He gave them was to establish worship, or rebuild the temple!
God is sending hidden leaders of great authority to some of the hardest, darkest, demonic AND religious places in the nation (and yes, sometimes this includes even your local church!)
***(Those who have labored in hard places for years often develop spiritual pride. We must stay tender and humble. A warning to “1st hour workers”. You must receive who God sends, not who you THINK they should be. You’re faith won’t see the promise unless you embrace 11th hour workers)
We must see cities and people through the eyes of Jesus. Jesus is Gods final word concerning how He feels about humanity. He loves them!
Every city and nation has a destiny to bow at the feet of Jesus!
The Kingdoms of this world will become the Kingdom of our God and His Christ.
As Jeremiah was told by the Lord “If you can extract the precious from the worthless you can be my mouthpiece”, so too we must see the gold in the land. We must see the prophetic intention of God for these dark cities.
Cities matter to God. He will redeem them unto their original destiny. It will not look churchy and even much of the church will still persecute it. Their is much talk of another “civil war” in America these days. We should be concerned with the Ekklesia, the church, the true governing body of the nations. Judgement doesn’t begin in the world, it begins in the church. How we receive these next generation leaders will determine how the Church enters into the next season. In humility and great power, or through much suffering and humiliation. Either way, His Church will be purified and she will walk in greater authority and unity than the world has seen for a very long time, if ever.
Now is not the time for the church to retreat to the suburbs where the money flows and the proverbial echo chambers of those who think like we do become the siren song that lulls us to sleep, the lullaby that rocks us into safe, sanitized Christian mediocrity.
The devil only disputes ground that is of value to Yahweh. If we see cities under the sway of demonic agenda we must do as scripture instructs us and take worship/Presence to those cities.
A new company of fathers and mothers are arising. These are ones who learned to be sons and daughters under the submission of another for years. They will now take their place in this season.
They will father a young and anointed generation in health and without jealousy. We are about to see a new movement of some of the greatest revivalists, reformers and leaders the world has ever seen.
Buckle up.
Partner with us as we take the Gospel and His Presence to the ends of the earth!
Join with us in making an impact by partnering with our ministry, as together we spread The Gospel through worship, teaching, and community outreach.